Recent Posts

some of the latest blogposts
Jan - 19

Journey of an Idea to a Successful Product. in 6 Phases

The journey of an Idea to a new software product or service could be really complex. What will be the…

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Apr - 12

Live Local-Support Local (Post Corona Mantra ?)

World war 2 changed the world to a great extent. Changes in almost everything; Industry, Politics, Health & Wellness. Corona…

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Aug - 18

Why did I put my design career on the EDGE?

We develop technology for solving daily life problems. Products are the result of available Technology. Many times, Products are visualized,…

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Welcome to my blog site

Welcome to my blog. From the Architecture of Bricks to Architecture of Bytes. TECHNOLOGY, DESIGN, LEADERSHIP A designer at heart, has designed variety of things…

Art and Photography

Interested in contemporary art, and Photography explorations.

Hands on Innovation workshops

Hands on Design thinking workshops for Decision makers…

Design Strategy for start ups

Defining Design strategy for Start up teams

Design is Value creation