
 Atul Manohar

From the Architecture of Bricks to Architecture of Bytes.

A designer at heart has explored various mediums of design. including : Architecture & Interior spaces. Design for promotion, Product and Packaging Design, Web portals, Enterprise IT applications.

While designing for various industry verticals, materials processes and technologies, discovered one strong theme of design ‘Design is value addition’

About this Blog: Research, Technology, and Art, Creativity, Design are the building blocks of INNOVATION

The human brain is said to have two halves left the brain and the right brain. Many researchers believe that the LEFT side of the brain is responsible for logical sequential thinking, and the RIGHT side is more of creativity and lateral thinking. Anyways, for problem-solving, we need the appropriate use of both sides.

Art Research and Design; through sound like an odd combination of personal strengths, That’s precisely what is required for path-breaking innovation.

  • Art and creativity :

Art is mostly the domain of the nonlinear, Less structured, and intuition. This area may or may not follow a structured process, and hence the results of the process are unpredictable and diverse.

  • Research and Technology:

Research and technology surely need a structured and logical process to be followed. A structured defined process for getting to know, what users exactly want, is a good example.

  • Design and innovation:

Well, most of the successful designers have a process of their own though not very structured like a manufacturing process, it still qualifies to be a process. Design surely can not completely be done on a fixed automated production or assembly line, where people with fewer skills or even machines can complete the tasks and effectively the products are (at least supposed to be) highly accurate and predictably same, whereas in design.  I think Design and innovation is a result of a linear structured research process and nonlinear unstructured creative processes.