Past Events list

Date Type Event Name Detail
7-Dec-16 Hands on Workshop, Kick Starter Journeys, From Ideas to Products Hands on Workshop, IndiaHCI 2016 Conference in IIT Mumbai.
26-May-16 Hands on Workshop, Design Thinking: Training your brain to be creative Workshop for Business Leaders at TechM (Chennai) working for an Energy business unit.
24-July-16 Talk  Branding in the Digital World Talk about how Branding should be done in the Digital paradigm.
14-Dec-2016  Hands on workshop Designing software Products = Data Fuelled Applications  Hands on Workshop, IndiaHCI 2015 Conference in IIT Guwahati.
05-Oct 2015 Hands-on Workshop  Business of Data: Designing with Data  IndiaUX 2015, Conference, Bangalore
02-July-15 Hands on workshop  Ideation techniques within Product design process  Bangalore Design Day
24-Mar-15 Hands-on Workshop  Product Design mindset: Software product design Unicom UX conference in Bangalore.
05-March-15  Course  Software product Design  One Week course for Interaction design students, at IIT Guwahati
13-Feb-11  Hands-on workshop  Designing for Green tomorrow  UI Design workshop at Pune Design Festival, Pune. where participants from different fields of design participated, and conceptualized green solutions